Some “experts” say that you should be submissive when attacked at home or by a stranger. You won’t find that advice here, although you might use it as a ruse before you claw his eyes and annihilate his groin. Your ultimate goal is to get away but you don’t achieve that by being meek and docile. You get away by drawing on that hard-wired survival instinct that is ingrained into your every cell to attack him like an enraged lioness protecting its babies.

You will learn to use your hands, forearms, elbows, teeth, knees and feet to show the attacker that by targeting you, he just made the biggest mistake of his scummy life. You will learn that you’re surrounded by a limitless cache of weapons. They are not a modern-day, high-tech arsenal but one that has served humans since the first cavewoman fought with a T-Rex bone to protect her children.

Order your copy of FIGHT BACK: A Woman's Guide to Self-Defense that Works now.